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unconscious | 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 1 8


The bathtubs and the water symbolize the primary, the gestation, the unconscious. Colors representing sensations, those that later, will send us encrypted messages from the unconscious, manipulating our reality maps, loaded with hidden desires, we always need to imagine how rational.

The memories that we keep before we learn to speak are stored in the form of sensation. When we acquire language, and due to the use of other memories, these areas are semi-closed, but they continue to influence our day-to-day life, in decisions, desires, fears, phobias, etc. Some therapies rationalize, by means of the word, all these sensations, being able to then access them.


"Human delusion red"

"Human delusion Green"


"without identity"



I used bathtubs as a simile of what is developed in ourselves, our pure primitive feelings before being sifted by language. Colored water represents our impulses which will later turn into hidden desires that will manipulate and readjust our maps of reality. ("Unconscious series" ).



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